Friday, November 15, 2013


Nawatakia weekend njema wadau wote wa afroshiznet
Endelea kukatisha mitaa  hii hii kuna mambo mazuri  yatakuja muda si mrefu.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Mashosti, Mabest,Mafriend....Yaan Ma kila kitu

Elly & Aggie
 My Twin Twin Neyma
Aggie ..Mama Luuu
Elly & Magreth
 Evelyne Baby
Watumishi wenzangu katika BWANA 
Scolar & Hellen
 My Kusha 
My dada.. Mamy 
 Seda Jirani
Mage &  My Sugar Aggie
Katika maisha tunakutana na watu wengi lakini wachache tu ndio wanaweza kugusa maisha yako na kuwa watu wako wa karibu.

Hao niliowaweka hapo juu ni wachache kati ya wengi ambao wanagusa moyo wangu kwa namna moja ama nyingine.

Nawapenda wote bila kumsahau best yangu Rehema Dulla  na kati ya kigooooooma... Cha ajabu  sina hata picha yake!!!



With Kusha mwenyewe...sare sare ndio mpango mzimaaaaaa
Kwa raha zetu..baada ya kazi mapichaaaa
Happy us...Miss you Doll

Monday, October 21, 2013

Lord, is it true that few people will be saved?

Today, the Gospel raises the theme of the salvation for our souls. This is the essence of Christ’s message and the “supreme law of the Church” (in fact, this is also mentioned like that by the very Code of Canon Law). The salvation of our soul is an actual fact insofar a gift from God, but for those of us that have not yet crossed the threshold of death, is only a possibility. To be saved or to be damned to hell! That is, to accept or to reject God's everlasting offer of love.

St. Augustine said «the man who self-annihilated his goodness, which could have been eternal, deserved the eternal damnation». We have only two possibilities in our life: either God or the void, for without God nothing has any meaning. In this sense, when they do not participate of the essence of God, life, death, joy, pain, love, etc., are just concepts without any logic. When the man sins, he avoids the Creator's glance to center it upon himself. God is constantly looking at the sinner with love, and in order not to force his freedom, He expects a minimum gesture of been willing to get back to him.

«Lord, is it true that few people will be saved?» (Lk 13:23). Christ does not respond to this question. Therefore, it remained unanswered, just as it is today, for «it is an inscrutable mystery between the saintliness of God and the conscience of man. The silence of the Church is, therefore, Christians' only opportune position» (John Paul II). The Church does not state any opinion about those who dwell in hell, but —basing itself in Christ's words— it does state an opinion about its existence and the fact there will be many damned in the Final Judgment. And whoever denies this, whether clerical or lay, incurs, without further ado, in heresy.

We are free to turn the stare of our soul towards the Savior, and we are also free to stick to our refusal. Our death will simply petrify our option forever.



VERY USEFUL !!! Part 2

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

VERY USEFUL !!! Part 1 

My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it

Today, we can read a beautiful passage of the Gospel. Jesus is not showing any disrespect for his mother, inasmuch as She has been the first one to hear the Word of God, and He, who is the Word of God, was born from Her. At the same time She is who, most perfectly, has fulfilled God's will: «Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done onto me according to your word» (Lk 1:38), was Her answer to the Angel of the Annunciation.

Jesus tells us what we need to do to likewise pertain to his family: «those who hear...» (Lk 8:21) and to hear him we must get close to him, as his own relatives did, when they went where He was, but could not get to him because of the crowd. But, then, they tried to get closer. It might be convenient for us to ask ourselves if, to get closer to the Word of God, we do fight and try to overcome the obstacles we keep finding on the way. Do I devote, every day, a few minutes to reading, listening to or mulling over the Holy Scriptures? St. Thomas Aquinas reminds us «we must continuously meditate the Word of God (...); this meditation is a powerful help in our fight against sin».

And, finally, to abide by the Word. It is not enough to hear the Word; we must put it into action if we want to become God's relatives. We must put into practice what we are told! This is why it would perhaps be good to ask ourselves whether we only behave obediently when what we are asked just suits us well or is rather easy to do, or if, on the contrary, when it means giving up our comfort, our own prestige, our material things or whatever leisure time we may have at our disposal..., we use to place the Word between parenthesis, until some better time may come. Let us pray to the Virgin Mary that, as She did once, we may hear and abide by the Word of God, so that we shall, thus, be able to follow the path leading to eternal happiness.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mvua zinaposababisha barabara kuteleza na kuleta majanga.

Gari likiwa limetereza na kudumbukia kwenye mtaro wa maji maeneo ya Sinza-Kamanyora.
Mwenye mali akiangalia namna ya kulitoa gari lake.

 Mke na mtoto wake wakiwa bado na mshituko kwa ajali iliyotokea,kama unavyoona kijana kaumia kidogo mdomoni.
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